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The official website of the State of Mississippi

The agency is experiencing a personnel shortage.  We strongly recommend the use of a NCEES record to help expedite the processing of your application for licensure.

Sign up for our Text Notifications by texting "PEPLS" to 844-328-7575 and REPLY to the prompt with your First/Last Name 

Mississippi Capitol , Engineer , Surveyor , Surveyor and Engineer , Surveyor



The agency is currently experiencing a personnel shortage. 

The use of a NCEES record is strongly recommended to help expedite the processing of your application for licensure.


New Rules posted

You can view the new rules at the following link on our website. 

For your convenience we've also added a document that highlights the rule changes.  Access the rule change highlights here.

Please be made aware the new rules are subject to the approval of the OLRC before becoming final.


Interested in seeing the redline version?  You can view the entire submittal on the Mississippi Secretary of State's website at the website address below:

Search by agency to access the submittal.

We are going paperless! 

Make sure we have an email address on record so that you don't miss any important information.

All future renewal notices will be provided via email,  text notification, social media, and the website only.

Update your records: Our address is 455 North Lamar Street, Suite 208, Jackson, MS 39202

Board Mission Statement

The Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors was established by the state legislature in 1928. The Board's mission is to safeguard life, health, and property, and to promote the public welfare by providing a complete and thorough licensure process for Professional Engineers and Professional Surveyors, ensuring that each is properly qualified to practice in the state of Mississippi.

The Board also regulates the practice of engineering and surveying in the state through investigation and disciplinary authority granted by Title 73, Chapter 13 of the Mississippi Code.